Postpartum Care at St. Elizabeth Healthcare

As you prepare to deliver your new little one, we want to thank you for trusting us with your care. Our postpartum care team is here to help you have the safest, most comfortable recovery and post delivery care experience possible.

What to Expect After Birth

After your baby arrives, you’ll recover in one of our private suites and receive postpartum care while in the hospital until you are discharged (go home). Our compassionate team can address many common concerns new moms have – for themselves and their baby.

The Postpartum Unit at our Edgewood location in Kentucky, private suites are designed to encourage a positive mother-baby bonding experience. Postpartum care also supports a positive healing process after delivery and focuses on common concerns affecting mom and baby. We design our services and the care we provide to meet each new mom’s needs.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose to have your friends or family visit during your stay in your postpartum suite. With adult supervision, this also includes any of your newborn’s siblings.

St. Elizabeth Edgewood Outpatient Postpartum Care Center

Your provider, or your baby’s provider could ask you to visit the Outpatient Postpartum Care Center. Common reasons for returning to the Postpartum Care Center could include, but are not limited to blood pressure checks, infant weight check, bilirubin check. The Postpartum Care Center is conveniently located on the same floor near the first floor just steps away from the Postpartum Unit.

Learn More

For more information about the services available through The Family Birth Place, please call (859) 301-2229 (BABY).

Helping Every Baby Sleep Safer: Cribs for Kids - Safe Sleep Hospital Certified

Postpartum Care

During the ongoing postpartum period, our team can address any concerns you might have about your recovery and how you feel physically, emotionally and socially. We can address common and complex issues.

Your Physical Recovery After Childbirth

After childbirth, you might experience different health concerns, including:

  • Blood pressure.
  • Breast soreness, engorgement and lactation.
  • Fatigue (tiredness) or trouble falling or staying asleep (insomnia).
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Incision checks if you had a Caesarean birth (C-section).

  • Incontinence.

  • Postpartum care concerns after C-section.
  • Vaginal bleeding, cramping and painful contractions that might continue after delivery.
  • Vaginal soreness and discharge.
  • Weight loss, hair loss and skin changes.

Postpartum Mental Health Care

Feelings of postpartum depression and postnatal anxiety can occur during the postpartum year following pregnancy. These concerns arise in 10-15% of new moms. Our skilled and compassionate team is available to support your needs, including:

  • Postnatal counseling, including mental health, wellbeing and adjustment concerns
  • Community resources.

  • Social support connections and helping you navigate the needed support of family, friends and co-workers.

Common Newborn Parenting Concerns

After childbirth and during the first year of your newborn’s life, we can support you as you face different questions or concerns around:

  • Attachment and bonding.

  • Contraception (birth control) and birth spacing.
  • Lactation consultant referrals.
Loving Parents Playing With Newborn Baby At Home

4th Trimester Beyond Delivery Program

Becoming a new parent can be both exhilarating and overwhelming, but with the Beyond Delivery group, you don’t have to do it alone.

Led by our incredible team of experts, Beyond Delivery offers new parents free support, education and fellowship during the first six months following their baby’s birth.

Postpartum Care for Baby

When you access services through our Postpartum Care Center, our team can address concerns related to your newborn, including:

  • Infant assessments.

  • Baby weight checks.
  • Bilirubin results and follow-up.

  • Breast and bottle feeding follow-up.

  • Pediatric care referrals.

  • Safe sleep and sleep schedule education.

Our pediatricians care for children at every stage of growth and development, from newborns to teens. Access family-centered, personalized care that addresses your child’s health needs through St. Elizabeth’s pediatricians.

In-Home Postpartum Services

If you choose to have postpartum home health visits, talk to your doctor. Our team can arrange for a specialist to come to your home. St. Elizabeth can help you coordinate in-home healthcare through an independent home health agency. In-home services are covered by most insurance companies and are billed to you. In-home postpartum services can address:

  • Common newborn concerns.

  • Bilirubin follow-up to assess for jaundice.

  • Blood pressure checks to check for hypertension to prevent readmissions.

  • Feeding assessments and follow-up.

  • Incision checks.

  • Infant assessments, including weight checks, lab sticks, social wellbeing and mom and baby assessments.

  • Lactation consultant referrals.

  • Resources follow-up.

Breastfeeding Education & Support

You may choose to work with a St. Elizabeth lactation consultant during and after your postpartum stay. This can be very helpful in addressing feeding, latching, engorgement and other breastfeeding questions.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

You and your baby benefit when you choose to breastfeed. Nursing your baby can:

  • Build their immune system.
  • Decrease ear infections.
  • Support better vision.
  • Lower the rate of infant mortality and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Reduce the number of colds and respiratory illnesses.

Breastfeeding benefits moms too. When new moms breastfeed, it can:

  • Promote faster weight loss after birth.
  • Stimulate your uterus to help it return to normal size.
  • Reduce postpartum bleeding and urinary tract infections.
Baby with pacifier in month sits on parent's lap

Certified Lactation Consultants

Our lactation consultants are here to help you have a successful breastfeeding experience. Certified lactation consultants are on hand in our Edgewood Postpartum Care Center if you choose to breastfeed your baby and want extra support and education.

Explore the Family Birth Place!

Take a virtual tour and see what to expect before you deliver your bundle of joy.