Find an Emergency Department Near You
1500 James Simpson, Jr. Way
Covington, KY 41011
(859) 655-4353
Dearborn Co.
600 Wilson Creek Rd.
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
(812) 496-7500
1 Medical Village Drive
Edgewood, KY 41017
(859) 301-2250
Right Here, When the Need is Immediate.
Though we hope you’ll never have to visit any of our emergency departments, you can rest assured that you’ll receive the best quality of care available. Our facilities are all state-of-the-art, complemented by a full array of cutting-edge medical technology.
But, it’s our people that make St. Elizabeth Healthcare so special. From our compassionate, board-certified physicians to our multi-faceted, highly trained staff of nurses and other medical professionals, St. Elizabeth delivers the gold standard in emergency care every day.
Our hospitals are certified stroke centers, where staff members have been recognized for their expert and proficient response to this critical and deadly medical condition. We also provide heart care that is consistently ranked among the best, both nationally and regionally.
Each year, St. Elizabeth sees more than 200,000 people in our six emergency departments for everything from cuts and bruises to major life-threatening events. Invariably, our patients will tell you that the quality of care and compassion they received at St. Elizabeth Healthcare is unmatched. Now that’s a good thing to know in an emergency.
What Should I Do When I’ve Been a Victim of Domestic Violence?
Everyone deserves relationships that are free from domestic violence. When you’re ready, we are right here to help, 24 hours a day. St. Elizabeth participates in the DOVE Program (Developing Options for Violent Emergencies). The DOVE Program serves victims of physical and sexual assault, domestic violence and elder abuse. DOVE staff and volunteers provide support and invaluable information about resources available to them. They accompany victims during their stay in the emergency department, a time when the victim is at her/his most vulnerable, feeling alone, frightened, ashamed and unsure of what has happened. They will help her/him to cope with the violence and decide what are the next steps.