What to Expect if you Participate in a Clinical Trial

This is an example of what you can expect if you decide to participate in a clinical trial:

  • Our research team will explain the trial in detail and gather more information about you.

  • Once you have had all your questions answered and agree to participate, you will sign an informed consent form.
  • You will be screened to make sure that you qualify for the trial.
  • If you are accepted into the trial, a first visit (called the “baseline” visit) will be scheduled for you. The researchers conduct cognitive and/or physical tests during this visit.
  • You will be randomly assigned to a treatment or control group.

  • You and your family members will be able to follow the trial procedures and report any issues or concerns to researchers.
  • You may visit the research site at regularly scheduled times for new cognitive, physical, or other evaluations and discussions with staff. During these visits, the research team collects information about the effects of the intervention and your safety and well-being.
  • You will continue to see your regular physician for usual health care throughout the study.

Learn More

For questions or additional information about clinical research trials, please email: ClinicalResearchInstitute@stelizabeth.com.

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For questions or additional information about clinical research trials, please send an email to ClinicalResearchInstitute@stelizabeth.com