faq List


Abnormal sperm morphology: What does it mean?
Acetyl-L-carnitine: Can it relieve MS fatigue?
Acid reflux and GERD: The same thing?
Acne scars: Whats the best treatment?
Acute bronchitis: Is it contagious?
Acute sinusitis: Do over-the-counter treatments help?
Added sugar in kids diets and heart disease risk
Adrenal fatigue: What causes it?
Adult bed-wetting: A concern?
Age-related macular degeneration and diet
Air travel during pregnancy: Is it safe?
Air travel with infant: Is it safe?
Albuterol side effects: Can I avoid them?
Alcohol: Does it affect blood pressure?
Alkaline water: Better than plain water?
Allergy medications and pregnancy: Whats safe?
Alzheimers and dementia: Whats the difference?
Alzheimers prevention: Does it exist?
Ambien: Is dependence a concern?
Ankle swelling during pregnancy: What helps?
Antibiotics and alcohol
Antibiotics and pregnancy: Whats safe?
Antidepressant withdrawal: Is there such a thing?
Antidepressants and alcohol: Whats the concern?
Antidepressants and weight gain: What causes it?
Antidepressants: Can they stop working?
Antidepressants: Which cause the fewest sexual side effects?
Anxiety: A cause of high blood pressure?
Aortic calcification: An early sign of heart valve problems?
App helps reduce food waste
Apple cider vinegar for weight loss
Arcus senilis: A sign of high cholesterol?
Are ancient grains the new health food?
Artificial sweeteners: Any effect on blood sugar?
Artificial tears: How to select eye drops for dry eyes
Aspirin allergy: What are the symptoms?
Aspirin during pregnancy: Is it safe?
Asthma and acid reflux: Are they linked?
Asthma diet: Does what you eat make a difference?
Atypical cells: Are they cancer?
Autism spectrum disorder and digestive symptoms
Avulsion fracture: How is it treated?



CA 125 test: A screening test for ovarian cancer?
Caffeine: Does it affect blood sugar?
Caffeine: How does it affect blood pressure?
Caffeine: Is it dehydrating or not?
Calcium supplements: A risk factor for heart attack?
Calcium supplements: Do they interfere with blood pressure drugs?
Calcium supplements: When should they be taken?
Can vaginal tears during childbirth be prevented?
Can vitamin D protect against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
Can vitamins help prevent a heart attack?
Can whole-grain foods lower blood pressure?
Can you develop a taste for healthy foods?
Can you recommend a diet after gallbladder removal?
Candida cleanse diet: What does it treat?
Car sickness in children: Can I prevent it?
Cardiac asthma: What causes it?
Carpal tunnel exercises: Can they relieve symptoms?
CBD: Safe and effective?
Cellulitis infection: Is it contagious?
Cellulitis: How to prevent recurrent episodes
Cervical cysts: Can they be cancerous?
Cervical dysplasia: Is it cancer?
Cervical length: Why does it matter during pregnancy?
Chelation therapy for heart disease: Does it work?
Chemotherapy and sex: Is sexual activity OK during treatment?
Chemotherapy side effects: A cause of heart disease?
Chickenpox and pregnancy: What are the concerns?
Child growth: Can you predict adult height?
Cholesterol level: Can it be too low?
Cholesterol ratio or non-HDL cholesterol: Which is most important?
Cholesterol test kits: Are they accurate?
Chronic diarrhea: A concern after gallbladder removal?
Clinical depression: What does that mean?
Coconut oil: Can it cure hypothyroidism?
Coconut water: Is it super hydrating?
Coffee and health: What does the research say?
Coffee calories: Sabotaging your weight loss?
Cold and flu viruses: How long can they live outside the body?
Cold or allergy: Which is it?
Cold symptoms: Does drinking milk increase phlegm?
Colloidal silver supplements: Are they safe?
Colon cancer screening: At what age can you stop?
Colon cleansing: Is it helpful or harmful?
Concussion in children: What are the symptoms?
Coping with anxiety: Can diet make a difference?
Coping with pain after breast surgery
Coronary artery disease: Angioplasty or bypass surgery?
Coronary artery spasm: Cause for concern?
Coronavirus: What is it and how can I protect myself?
Coughing more after quitting smoking: Whats the deal?
COVID-19 and pets: Can dogs and cats get COVID-19?
COVID-19 drugs: Are there any that work?
COVID-19 infections by race: Whats behind the health disparities?
COVID-19 vaccine: Should I reschedule my mammogram?
COVID-19 variants: Whats the concern?
Craving and chewing ice: A sign of anemia?
Curcumin: Can it slow cancer growth?






Hand swelling during exercise: A concern?
HCG diet: Is it safe and effective?
Headaches during pregnancy: Whats the best treatment?
Heart attack prevention: Should I avoid secondhand smoke?
Heart cancer: Is there such a thing?
Heart failure and sex: Is it safe?
Heart rate: Whats normal?
Heartburn medicines and B-12 deficiency
Heavy coffee consumption — Risky for some?
Heavy periods: Can folic acid help?
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: Whats the best treatment?
Hepatitis C: How common is sexual transmission?
Hepatitis C: What happens in end-stage liver disease?
HER2-positive breast cancer: What is it?
Herbal treatment for anxiety: Is it effective?
High blood pressure and cold remedies: Which are safe?
High cholesterol in children: How is it treated?
High cholesterol treatment: Does cinnamon lower cholesterol?
High-dose flu vaccines: How are they different from other flu vaccines?
High-dose vitamin C: Can it kill cancer cells?
High-protein diets: Are they safe?
Hodgkins vs. non-Hodgkins lymphoma: Whats the difference?
Honey: An effective cough remedy?
Hormone replacement therapy: Can it cause vaginal bleeding?
How do COVID-19 antibody tests differ from diagnostic tests?
How does smoking affect fertility?
How many hours of sleep are enough?
How to heal cracked heels
How to heal cracked skin at thumb tip
How to track saturated fat
How to treat a piercing infection
How to treat baby eczema
HPV infection: A cause of cancer in men?
Hyperinflated lungs: What does it mean?
Hyperinsulinemia: Is it diabetes?
Hypertensive crisis: What are the symptoms?
Hypothyroidism and infertility: Any connection?
Hypothyroidism diet: Can certain foods increase thyroid function?
Hypothyroidism symptoms: Can hypothyroidism cause eye problems?
Hypothyroidism: Can calcium supplements interfere with treatment?
Hypothyroidism: Can it cause peripheral neuropathy?
Hypothyroidism: Does it cause joint pain?
Hypothyroidism: Should I take iodine supplements?











Salt craving: A symptom of Addisons disease?
Scalp psoriasis vs. seborrheic dermatitis: Whats the difference?
Sea salt vs. table salt: Whats the difference?
Seasonale: Is breakthrough bleeding more common?
Secondary infertility: Why does it happen?
Self-care for the flu
Semen allergy: A cause of infertility?
Sensitive teeth: What treatments are available?
Sex and COVID-19: Can you get COVID-19 from sexual activity?
Sex during vaginal infection: Is it harmful?
Shape up your diet with a few tweaks
Shaving hair: Does shaved hair grow back thicker?
Shingles treatment: Does alcohol use affect therapy?
Shingles vaccine: Can I transmit the vaccine virus to others?
Shingles vaccine: Should I get it?
Should I make changes to my diet if Ive been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation?
Silent heart attack: What are the risks?
Silicone breast implants: What happens if they rupture?
Sinus infection and toothache: Any connection?
Sitting risks: How harmful is too much sitting?
Sleep aids: Could antihistamines help me sleep?
Sleep deprivation: A cause of high blood pressure?
Small cell, large cell cancer: What this means
Soy: Does it reduce cholesterol?
Soy: Does it worsen hypothyroidism?
Spastic colon: What does it mean?
Sperm: How long do they live after ejaculation?
Statins: Do they cause ALS?
Stomach flu: How long am I contagious?
Stool color: When to worry
Strep throat in young children: A common diagnosis?
Stress and hair loss: Are they related?
Sulfa allergy: Which medications should I avoid?
Sundowning: Late-day confusion
Sustainable food choices
Swallowing gum: Is it harmful?