faq List
Acetyl-L-carnitine: Can it relieve MS fatigue?
Acid reflux and GERD: The same thing?
Acne scars: Whats the best treatment?
Acute bronchitis: Is it contagious?
Acute sinusitis: Do over-the-counter treatments help?
Added sugar in kids diets and heart disease risk
Adrenal fatigue: What causes it?
Adult bed-wetting: A concern?
Age-related macular degeneration and diet
Air travel during pregnancy: Is it safe?
Air travel with infant: Is it safe?
Albuterol side effects: Can I avoid them?
Alcohol: Does it affect blood pressure?
Alkaline water: Better than plain water?
Allergy medications and pregnancy: Whats safe?
Alzheimers and dementia: Whats the difference?
Alzheimers prevention: Does it exist?
Ambien: Is dependence a concern?
Ankle swelling during pregnancy: What helps?
Antibiotics and alcohol
Antibiotics and pregnancy: Whats safe?
Antidepressant withdrawal: Is there such a thing?
Antidepressants and alcohol: Whats the concern?
Antidepressants and weight gain: What causes it?
Antidepressants: Can they stop working?
Antidepressants: Which cause the fewest sexual side effects?
Anxiety: A cause of high blood pressure?
Aortic calcification: An early sign of heart valve problems?
App helps reduce food waste
Apple cider vinegar for weight loss
Arcus senilis: A sign of high cholesterol?
Are ancient grains the new health food?
Artificial sweeteners: Any effect on blood sugar?
Artificial tears: How to select eye drops for dry eyes
Aspirin allergy: What are the symptoms?
Aspirin during pregnancy: Is it safe?
Asthma and acid reflux: Are they linked?
Asthma diet: Does what you eat make a difference?
Atypical cells: Are they cancer?
Autism spectrum disorder and digestive symptoms
Avulsion fracture: How is it treated?
Baby poop: What to expect
Baby teeth: When do children start losing them?
Bacterial vs. viral infections: How do they differ?
Beta blockers: Do they cause weight gain?
Beta blockers: How do they affect exercise?
Bioidentical hormones: Are they safer?
Bipolar disorder and alcoholism: Are they related?
Bipolar disorder in children: Is it possible?
Bipolar medications and weight gain
Bipolar treatment: Are bipolar I and bipolar II treated differently?
Bladder infection in men
Bladder outlet obstruction: Causes in men?
Bleeding after hysterectomy: What can I expect?
Bleeding after menopause: Is it normal?
Blood clots during menstruation: A concern?
Blood glucose monitors: What factors affect accuracy?
Blood pressure cuff: Does size matter?
Blood pressure medication: Still necessary if I lose weight?
Blood pressure medications: Can they raise my triglycerides?
Blood pressure readings: Why higher at home?
Blood pressure: Can it be higher in one arm?
Blood pressure: Does it have a daily pattern?
Blood pressure: Is it affected by cold weather?
Blood sugar levels can fluctuate for many reasons
Blood thinners: Can I still get blood clots?
Breast implants and cancer: Any connection?
Breastfeeding and alcohol: Is it OK to drink?
Breastfeeding strike: Why do babies refuse to nurse?
Bulging disk vs. herniated disk: Whats the difference?
Bump on the head: When is it a serious head injury?
Butter vs. margarine: Which is better for my heart?
Caffeine: Does it affect blood sugar?
Caffeine: How does it affect blood pressure?
Caffeine: Is it dehydrating or not?
Calcium supplements: A risk factor for heart attack?
Calcium supplements: Do they interfere with blood pressure drugs?
Calcium supplements: When should they be taken?
Can vaginal tears during childbirth be prevented?
Can vitamin D protect against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
Can vitamins help prevent a heart attack?
Can whole-grain foods lower blood pressure?
Can you develop a taste for healthy foods?
Can you recommend a diet after gallbladder removal?
Candida cleanse diet: What does it treat?
Car sickness in children: Can I prevent it?
Cardiac asthma: What causes it?
Carpal tunnel exercises: Can they relieve symptoms?
CBD: Safe and effective?
Cellulitis infection: Is it contagious?
Cellulitis: How to prevent recurrent episodes
Cervical cysts: Can they be cancerous?
Cervical dysplasia: Is it cancer?
Cervical length: Why does it matter during pregnancy?
Chelation therapy for heart disease: Does it work?
Chemotherapy and sex: Is sexual activity OK during treatment?
Chemotherapy side effects: A cause of heart disease?
Chickenpox and pregnancy: What are the concerns?
Child growth: Can you predict adult height?
Cholesterol level: Can it be too low?
Cholesterol ratio or non-HDL cholesterol: Which is most important?
Cholesterol test kits: Are they accurate?
Chronic diarrhea: A concern after gallbladder removal?
Clinical depression: What does that mean?
Coconut oil: Can it cure hypothyroidism?
Coconut water: Is it super hydrating?
Coffee and health: What does the research say?
Coffee calories: Sabotaging your weight loss?
Cold and flu viruses: How long can they live outside the body?
Cold or allergy: Which is it?
Cold symptoms: Does drinking milk increase phlegm?
Colloidal silver supplements: Are they safe?
Colon cancer screening: At what age can you stop?
Colon cleansing: Is it helpful or harmful?
Concussion in children: What are the symptoms?
Coping with anxiety: Can diet make a difference?
Coping with pain after breast surgery
Coronary artery disease: Angioplasty or bypass surgery?
Coronary artery spasm: Cause for concern?
Coronavirus: What is it and how can I protect myself?
Coughing more after quitting smoking: Whats the deal?
COVID-19 and pets: Can dogs and cats get COVID-19?
COVID-19 drugs: Are there any that work?
COVID-19 infections by race: Whats behind the health disparities?
COVID-19 vaccine: Should I reschedule my mammogram?
COVID-19 variants: Whats the concern?
Craving and chewing ice: A sign of anemia?
Curcumin: Can it slow cancer growth?
Degenerative changes in the spine: Is this arthritis?
Demyelinating disease: What can you do about it?
Dental floss vs. water flosser: Which is better?
Denture care: How do I clean dentures?
Depression and anxiety: Can I have both?
Detox foot pads: Do they really work?
Diabetes and depression: Coping with the two conditions
Diabetes diet: Should I avoid sweet fruits?
Diabetes drugs and weight loss
Diabetes foods: Can I substitute honey for sugar?
Diabetes treatment: Can cinnamon lower blood sugar?
Diabetes: How do I help protect my liver?
Did the definition of Alzheimers disease change?
Diet soda: How much is too much?
Digestion: How long does it take?
Discolored baby teeth: A cause for concern?
Discolored semen: What does it mean?
Diuretics and gout: Whats the connection?
Diuretics: A cause of low potassium?
Diverticulitis: Can certain foods trigger an attack?
Do infrared saunas have any health benefits?
Do the benefits of vitamin C include improved mood?
Does atrial fibrillation run in families?
Does older age increase the risk of atrial fibrillation?
Does prickly pear cactus have health benefits?
Does soy really affect breast cancer risk?
Does sunscreen expire?
Doppler ultrasound: What is it used for?
Drinking alcohol: Is it safe after hepatitis C cure?
Dry mouth treatment: Tips for controlling dry mouth
Early miscarriage: Is stress a factor?
Eat well at work
Eat well to age well
Eating the placenta: A good idea?
Ebola transmission: Can Ebola spread through the air?
Eczema bleach bath: Can it improve my symptoms?
Eggs: Are they good or bad for my cholesterol?
Ejection fraction: What does it measure?
Emerging treatments for multiple sclerosis
Enlarged prostate: Does diet play a role?
Enterovirus D68 and parechovirus: How can I protect my child?
Exercise and illness: Work out with a cold?
Exercise and multiple sclerosis
Exercise: How much do I need every day?
Eye dilation: Necessary with every eye exam?
Falling during pregnancy: Reason to worry?
Fallopian tubes: Is pregnancy possible with only one?
Fasting diet: Can it improve my heart health?
Fear of public speaking: How can I overcome it?
Female orgasm: No climax with vaginal penetration?
Fiber supplements: Safe to take every day?
Fish and mercury contamination
Flaxseed: Is ground better than whole?
Flu mask: Should I wear one?
Flu shot in pregnancy: Is it safe?
Flu shot: Will it prevent the stomach flu?
Flu shots for kids: Does my child need a flu shot?
Flu symptoms: Should I see my doctor?
Flu vaccine: Safe for people with egg allergy?
Foamy urine: What does it mean?
Food allergy vs. food intolerance: Whats the difference?
Food fraud: Is it for real?
Food poisoning: How long can you safely keep leftovers?
Foot swelling during air travel: A concern?
Free blood pressure machines: Are they accurate?
Frequent sex: Does it protect against prostate cancer?
Frontal fibrosing alopecia
Fructose intolerance: Which foods to avoid?
Fruit or vegetable: Whats the difference?
Fundal height: An accurate sign of fetal growth?
Gallbladder polyps: Can they be cancerous?
Genetically modified foods — Why the controversy?
Genital herpes: Can you get it from a toilet seat?
GERD: Can certain medications make it worse?
Glucosamine: Does it protect cartilage in osteoarthritis?
Glycemic index: A helpful tool for diabetes?
Grapefruit: Beware of dangerous medication interactions
Grass-fed beef: What are the heart-health benefits?
HCG diet: Is it safe and effective?
Headaches during pregnancy: Whats the best treatment?
Heart attack prevention: Should I avoid secondhand smoke?
Heart cancer: Is there such a thing?
Heart failure and sex: Is it safe?
Heart rate: Whats normal?
Heartburn medicines and B-12 deficiency
Heavy coffee consumption — Risky for some?
Heavy periods: Can folic acid help?
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: Whats the best treatment?
Hepatitis C: How common is sexual transmission?
Hepatitis C: What happens in end-stage liver disease?
HER2-positive breast cancer: What is it?
Herbal treatment for anxiety: Is it effective?
High blood pressure and cold remedies: Which are safe?
High cholesterol in children: How is it treated?
High cholesterol treatment: Does cinnamon lower cholesterol?
High-dose flu vaccines: How are they different from other flu vaccines?
High-dose vitamin C: Can it kill cancer cells?
High-protein diets: Are they safe?
Hodgkins vs. non-Hodgkins lymphoma: Whats the difference?
Honey: An effective cough remedy?
Hormone replacement therapy: Can it cause vaginal bleeding?
How do COVID-19 antibody tests differ from diagnostic tests?
How does smoking affect fertility?
How many hours of sleep are enough?
How to heal cracked heels
How to heal cracked skin at thumb tip
How to track saturated fat
How to treat a piercing infection
How to treat baby eczema
HPV infection: A cause of cancer in men?
Hyperinflated lungs: What does it mean?
Hyperinsulinemia: Is it diabetes?
Hypertensive crisis: What are the symptoms?
Hypothyroidism and infertility: Any connection?
Hypothyroidism diet: Can certain foods increase thyroid function?
Hypothyroidism symptoms: Can hypothyroidism cause eye problems?
Hypothyroidism: Can calcium supplements interfere with treatment?
Hypothyroidism: Can it cause peripheral neuropathy?
Hypothyroidism: Does it cause joint pain?
Hypothyroidism: Should I take iodine supplements?
Induced lactation: Can I breastfeed my adopted baby?
Infant constipation: How is it treated?
Infant growth: Whats normal?
Insomnia: How do I stay asleep?
Intermittent fasting: What are the benefits?
Is a home sperm test useful?
Is depression a factor in rheumatoid arthritis?
Is it time for an oil change?
Isolated systolic hypertension: A health concern?
Isometric exercises: Good for strength training?
Kidney donation: Are there long-term risks?
Kombucha tea: Does it have health benefits?
Lack of sleep: Can it make you sick?
Laryngospasm: What causes it?
Late-night eating: OK if you have diabetes?
Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA): What is it?
Leg cramps during pregnancy: Preventable?
Leg pain after prolonged standing or sitting
Livedo reticularis: When is it a concern?
Liver cysts: A cause of stomach pain?
Loss of sex drive in men: Natural with aging?
Loss of taste and smell: Natural with aging?
Low amniotic fluid: Can it be treated?
Low blood sodium in older adults: A concern?
Low-phosphorus diet: Helpful for kidney disease?
Lung nodules: Can they be cancerous?
Magic mouthwash: Effective for chemotherapy mouth sores?
Mammogram guidelines: What are they?
MAOIs and diet: Is it necessary to restrict tyramine?
Measles vaccine: Can I get the measles if Ive already been vaccinated?
Melatonin side effects: What are the risks?
Menopause and high blood pressure: Whats the connection?
Migraine medications and antidepressants: A risky mix?
Migraine treatment: Can antidepressants help?
Migraines and gastrointestinal problems: Is there a link?
Migraines: Are they triggered by weather changes?
Milk substitutes: What you need to know
Ministroke vs. regular stroke: Whats the difference?
Moldy cheese: Is it OK to eat?
Mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr: Whats the connection?
Mononucleosis: Can it recur?
Monosodium glutamate (MSG): Is it harmful?
Mpox (monkeypox): What is it and how can it be prevented?
MRI: Is gadolinium safe for people with kidney problems?
Mucus in stool: A concern?
Multiple sclerosis: Can it cause seizures?
Multivitamins: Do young children need them?
Myofascial release therapy: Can it relieve back pain?
Narrow stools: Should I be concerned?
Natural remedies for depression: Are they effective?
Nausea during pregnancy: A good thing?
Nervous breakdown: What does it mean?
Neti pot: Can it clear my nose?
Neurontin side effects: How do I manage them?
Newborn sleep: Should I wake my baby for feedings?
Niacin overdose: What are the symptoms?
Nighttime headaches: How can I get relief?
Nighttime panic attacks: What causes them?
NSAIDs: Do they increase my risk of heart attack and stroke?
Ocular migraine: When to seek help
Omega-6 fatty acids: Can they cause heart disease?
Opioid stewardship: What is it?
Osteopathic medicine: What kind of doctor is a D.O.?
Outpatient joint replacement: Is it a safe option?
Ovarian cancer: Still possible after hysterectomy?
Ovarian cysts and infertility: A connection?
Ovulation signs: When is conception most likely?
Ozone air purifiers: Can they improve asthma symptoms?
Pap smear: Do I need one if Im a virgin?
Pap test: Can it detect ovarian cancer?
Paraprobiotics: Next functional food frontier?
Passive-aggressive behavior: What are the red flags?
Penis fracture: Is it possible?
Petroleum jelly: Safe for a dry nose?
Phantosmia: What causes olfactory hallucinations?
Phentermine for weight loss
Phenylalanine in diet soda: Is it harmful?
Pink eye: How long is it contagious?
Plugged ears: What is the remedy?
Polypill: Does it treat heart disease?
Poppy seed tea: Beneficial or dangerous?
Post-traumatic stress: How can you help your loved one?
Prednisone withdrawal: Why taper down slowly?
Pregnancy acne: Whats the best treatment?
Pregnancy constipation: Are stool softeners safe?
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: Different from PMS?
Prenatal vitamins: OK for women who arent pregnant?
Probiotics and prebiotics: What you should know
Prostate cancer metastasis: Where does prostate cancer spread?
Prostate cancer: Does PSA level affect prognosis?
Prostatitis: Can sexual activity make it worse?
Protein shakes: Good for weight loss?
PSA levels: Can they rise after partial prostate removal?
Pseudoaneurysm: What causes it?
Pulse pressure: An indicator of heart health?
Recurrent prostate infection: What are the treatment options?
Recurring strep throat: When is tonsillectomy useful?
Renal diet for vegetarians: What about protein?
Repeat C-sections: Is there a limit?
Resperate: Can it help reduce blood pressure?
Rhabdomyolysis from statins: Whats the risk?
Rheumatoid arthritis: Can it affect the eyes?
Rheumatoid arthritis: Can it affect the lungs?
Ricin poisoning
Scalp psoriasis vs. seborrheic dermatitis: Whats the difference?
Sea salt vs. table salt: Whats the difference?
Seasonale: Is breakthrough bleeding more common?
Secondary infertility: Why does it happen?
Self-care for the flu
Semen allergy: A cause of infertility?
Sensitive teeth: What treatments are available?
Sex and COVID-19: Can you get COVID-19 from sexual activity?
Sex during vaginal infection: Is it harmful?
Shape up your diet with a few tweaks
Shaving hair: Does shaved hair grow back thicker?
Shingles treatment: Does alcohol use affect therapy?
Shingles vaccine: Can I transmit the vaccine virus to others?
Shingles vaccine: Should I get it?
Should I make changes to my diet if Ive been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation?
Silent heart attack: What are the risks?
Silicone breast implants: What happens if they rupture?
Sinus infection and toothache: Any connection?
Sitting risks: How harmful is too much sitting?
Sleep aids: Could antihistamines help me sleep?
Sleep deprivation: A cause of high blood pressure?
Small cell, large cell cancer: What this means
Soy: Does it reduce cholesterol?
Soy: Does it worsen hypothyroidism?
Spastic colon: What does it mean?
Sperm: How long do they live after ejaculation?
Statins: Do they cause ALS?
Stomach flu: How long am I contagious?
Stool color: When to worry
Strep throat in young children: A common diagnosis?
Stress and hair loss: Are they related?
Sulfa allergy: Which medications should I avoid?
Sundowning: Late-day confusion
Sustainable food choices
Swallowing gum: Is it harmful?
Taurine in energy drinks: What is it?
Tendinitis pain: Should I apply ice or heat?
Test anxiety: Can it be treated?
Testicular microlithiasis: Is it linked with testicular cancer?
Testosterone therapy in women: Does it boost sex drive?
Tetanus shots: Is it risky to receive extra boosters?
The dawn phenomenon: What can you do?
Thin skin? Added protection helps
Thyroid disease: Can it affect a persons mood?
Thyroid guard: Do I need one during a mammogram?
Thyroid peroxidase antibody test: What is it?
Tinnitus causes: Could my antidepressant be the culprit?
Toddler speech development: Whats typical for a 2-year-old?
Too much vitamin C: Is it harmful?
Tumor vs. cyst: Whats the difference?
Underweight? See how to add pounds healthfully
Undigested food in stool: What does it mean?
Universal blood donor type: Is there such a thing?
Unusual COVID-19 symptoms: What are they?
Vaginal dryness after menopause: How to treat it?
Valerian: A safe and effective herbal sleep aid?
Vaping during pregnancy: Is it safe?
Vegetarian diet: Can it help me control my diabetes?
Vicks VapoRub: An effective nasal decongestant?
Vitamin B-12 and depression: Are they related?
Vitamin B-12 injections for weight loss: Do they work?
Vitamin D and MS: Is there any connection?
Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency: Can it cause high blood pressure?
Vitamin D for babies: Are supplements needed?
Vitamin D toxicity: What if you get too much?
Vitamins for MS: Do supplements make a difference?
VLDL cholesterol: Is it harmful?
Vocal cord dysfunction: Is it a type of asthma?
Vulvar varicosities during pregnancy: What can you do?
Walking: Is it enough for weight loss?
Warfarin diet: What foods should I avoid?
Warm-mist versus cool-mist humidifier: Which is better for a cold?
Water after meals: Does it disturb digestion?
Water retention: Are there natural diuretics?
What are opioids and why are they dangerous?
What are superbugs and how can I protect myself from infection?
What is a heart failure action plan?
What is BPA? Should I be worried about it?
What is chikungunya fever, and should I be worried?
What is the MIND diet?
What is thirdhand smoke, and why is it a concern?
Whats on your kitchen counter affects your weight
Whats the difference between H1N1 flu and influenza A?
When to brush your teeth
Which fish to buy? Farmed or wild?
White coat hypertension: When blood pressure rises in a medical setting
White patch on skin: A cause for concern?
White stool: Should I be concerned?
Whole-body vibration: An effective workout?
Why isnt there a hepatitis C vaccine?
Wisdom teeth removal: When is it necessary?
Wrist blood pressure monitors: Are they accurate?
Yeast infection in men: How can I tell if I have one?
Yerba mate: Is it safe to drink?