Article List








A guide to basic stretches
Acetaminophen and children: Why dose matters
Add antioxidants to your diet
Adjuvant therapy: Treatment to keep cancer from returning
Aerobic exercise: How to warm up and cool down
Aerobic exercise: Top 10 reasons to get physical
Aging: What to expect
Alcohol use: Weighing risks and benefits
Allergies and asthma: They often occur together
Allergy medications: Know your options
Allergy-proof your home
Alli weight-loss pill: Does it work?
Alpha blockers
Alternative cancer treatments: 11 options to consider
Alzheimer's genes: Are you at risk?
Alzheimer's stages: How the disease progresses
Alzheimer's treatments: What's on the horizon?
Alzheimer's: Managing sleep problems
Alzheimer's: Medicines help manage symptoms and slow decline
Amputation and diabetes: How to protect your feet
Anger management: 10 tips to tame your temper
Angina treatment: Stents, drugs, lifestyle changes — What's best?
Angiotensin II receptor blockers
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
Anti-seizure medications: Relief from nerve pain
Antibiotics: Are you misusing them?
Antidepressants for children and teens
Antidepressants: Another weapon against chronic pain
Antidepressants: Get tips to cope with side effects
Antidepressants: Safe during pregnancy?
Antidepressants: Selecting one that's right for you
Aquatic exercises
Are you thinking about suicide? How to stay safe and find treatment
Arthritis pain: Do's and don'ts
Arthritis pain: Treatments absorbed through your skin
Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes
Asthma inhalers: Which one's right for you?
Asthma medications: Know your options
Asthma treatment: 3 steps to better asthma control
Asthma: Limit asthma attacks caused by colds or flu
Asthma: Steps in testing and diagnosis
Atrial fibrillation and managing stress
Atypical antidepressants
Automated external defibrillators: Do you need an AED?



C-section recovery: What to expect
Caffeine content for coffee, tea, soda and more
Caffeine: How much is too much?
Calcium and calcium supplements: Achieving the right balance
Calcium channel blockers
Cancer blood tests: Lab tests used in cancer diagnosis
Cancer causes: Popular myths about the causes of cancer
Cancer diagnosis: 11 tips for coping
Cancer fatigue: Why it occurs and how to cope
Cancer pain: Relief is possible
Cancer prevention: 7 tips to reduce your risk
Cancer risk: What the numbers mean
Cancer surgery: Physically removing cancer
Cancer survival rate: What it means for your prognosis
Cancer survivors: Care for your body after treatment
Cancer survivors: Late effects of cancer treatment
Cancer survivors: Managing your emotions after cancer treatment
Cancer treatment myths: Any truth to these common beliefs?
Car seat safety: Avoid 9 common mistakes
Carbohydrates: How carbs fit into a healthy diet
Caregiver stress: Tips for taking care of yourself
Caregiving for someone with atrial fibrillation
Cast care: Do's and don'ts
Central-acting agents
Chart of high-fiber foods
Chemotherapy and hair loss: What to expect during treatment
Chemotherapy nausea and vomiting: Prevention is best defense
Child sleep: Put preschool bedtime problems to rest
Childhood vaccines: Tough questions, straight answers
Cholesterol medications: Consider the options
Cholesterol-lowering supplements may be helpful
Cholesterol: Top foods to improve your numbers
Choosing blood pressure medicines
Chronic pain: Medication decisions
Chronic stress puts your health at risk
Clear liquid diet
Coenzyme Q10
Cold medicines for kids: What's the risk?
Cold remedies: What works, what doesn't, what can't hurt
Colon cancer screening: Weighing the options
Common baby rashes
Core exercises: Why you should strengthen your core muscles
Counting calories: Get back to weight-loss basics
COVID-19 and your mental health
COVID-19 in babies and children
COVID-19 travel advice
COVID-19 vaccines for kids: What you need to know
COVID-19 vaccines: Get the facts
COVID-19 vs. flu: Similarities and differences
COVID-19, cold, allergies and the flu: What are the differences?
COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms?
CPAP machines: Tips for avoiding 10 common problems
Crying baby: What to do when your newborn cries
Cuts of beef: A guide to the leanest selections


Daily aspirin therapy: Understand the benefits and risks
DASH diet: Guide to recommended servings
DASH diet: Healthy eating to lower your blood pressure
DASH diet: Sample menus
Debunking COVID-19 myths
Delusional parasitosis
Dense breast tissue: What it means to have dense breasts
Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms
Depression during pregnancy: You're not alone
Depression in women: Understanding the gender gap
Depression: Supporting a family member or friend
Diabetes and exercise: When to monitor your blood sugar
Diabetes care: 10 ways to avoid complications
Diabetes diet: Create your healthy-eating plan
Diabetes management: How lifestyle, daily routine affect blood sugar
Diabetes prevention: 5 tips for taking control
Diabetes symptoms: When diabetes symptoms are a concern
Diabetes treatment: Medications for type 2 diabetes
Diabetes treatment: Using insulin to manage blood sugar
Diabetic neuropathy types: Symptoms tell the story
Diabetic neuropathy: Can dietary supplements help?
Diagnosing Alzheimer's: How Alzheimer's is diagnosed
Diarrhea: Cancer-related causes and how to cope
Dietary fat: Know which to choose
Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet
Dietary supplements for erectile dysfunction: A natural treatment for ED?
Dietary supplements for weight loss
Different types of COVID-19 vaccines: How they work
Diverticulitis diet
Domestic violence
Domestic violence against women: Recognize patterns, seek help
Don't get tricked by these 3 heart-health myths
Drug-eluting stents: Do they increase heart attack risk?













Pacifiers: Are they good for your baby?
Pain medicines after surgery
Paleo diet: What is it and why is it so popular?
Penis health: Identify and prevent problems
Penis-enlargement products: Do they work?
Performance-enhancing drugs: Know the risks
Personal health records and patient portals
Piercings: How to prevent complications
Placenta: How it works, what's normal
Planning to travel with atrial fibrillation?
Poison ivy and other summer skin irritants
Portion control for weight loss
Positive thinking: Stop negative self-talk to reduce stress
Postpartum care: What to expect after a vaginal birth
Postpartum complications: What you need to know
Potty training: How to get the job done
Prednisone and other corticosteroids
Pregnancy after 35: Healthy pregnancies, healthy babies
Pregnancy after miscarriage: What you need to know
Pregnancy and atrial fibrillation
Pregnancy and COVID-19: What are the risks?
Pregnancy and fish: What's safe to eat?
Pregnancy and obesity: Know the risks
Pregnancy diet: Focus on these essential nutrients
Pregnancy exercises
Pregnancy nutrition: Foods to avoid during pregnancy
Pregnancy stretches
Pregnancy weight gain: What's healthy?
Prenatal care: First trimester visits
Prenatal care: Second trimester visits
Prenatal care: Third trimester visits
Prenatal testing: Is it right for me?
Prenatal vitamins: Why they matter, how to choose
Prescription sleeping pills: What's right for you?
Prescription weight-loss drugs
Prostate cancer prevention: Ways to reduce your risk
Prostate cancer screening: Should you get screened?




Safe outdoor activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Safety tips for attending school during COVID-19
Screen time and children: How to guide your child
Seasonal affective disorder treatment: Choosing a light box
Seasonal allergies: Nip them in the bud
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Self-esteem: Take steps to feel better about yourself
Senior sex: Tips for older men
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
Sex during pregnancy: What's OK, what's not
Sex education: Talking to your teen about sex
Sick baby? When to seek medical attention
Signs of labor: Know what to expect
Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin
Sleep aids: Understand options sold without a prescription
Sleep tips: 6 steps to better sleep
Sleeping positions that reduce back pain
Smokeless tobacco products
Sodium: How to tame your salt habit
Solid foods: How to get your baby started
South Beach Diet
Spitting up in babies: What's OK, what's not
St. John's wort
Stages of labor and birth: Baby, it's time!
Statin side effects: Weigh the benefits and risks
Statins: Are these cholesterol-lowering drugs right for you?
STD testing: What's right for you?
Stem cells: What they are and what they do
Strategies to prevent heart disease
Strength training: Get stronger, leaner, healthier
Strength training: OK for kids?
Stress and high blood pressure: What's the connection?
Stress relief from laughter? It's no joke
Stress relievers: Tips to tame stress
Stress symptoms: Effects on your body and behavior
Stretching: Focus on flexibility
Stroke rehabilitation: What to expect as you recover
Sudden death in young people: Heart problems often blamed
Suicide grief
Suicide: What to do when someone is thinking about suicide
Support groups: Make connections, get help
Surgery for stress urinary incontinence in women
Symptoms of pregnancy: What happens first